While Australian modellers may be fewer in number than those modelling British or American outline, our best are the equals of those overseas. Australian Journal of Railway Modelling seeks to showcase the talent of Australian railway modellers through practical and informative articles relevant to modelling Australian prototype railways; be they State or private systems.
Issue 13 is now available and it is intended to publish Issue 14 later in 2020. If you have an idea for an article that you would like to see published in a future issue, please contact the editor to discuss. The more articles submitted, the sooner the next issue can be produced.
This website is intended to provide information about what is in each issue of AJRM and a link to buy copies – be that the current issue, back issues that are still available or advance purchasing the next one. It also has a link to buy Branchline Modeller parts.
To see the latest news visit the Australian Journal of Railway Modelling Facebook page.
All railway Modellers will find information in the journal that can be applied to other prototypes.